Acute Infection Consultation Hours

Acute Infection Consultation Hours

Urgent Cases

Here, you can present yourself with acute illnesses or complaints. These sessions are not intended for the clarification of chronic or long-standing complaints. Please schedule a regular appointment for that. The acute infection consultation hours are designed to address acute medical problems.

The acute infection consultation hours are available to you without prior appointment by phone. Feel free to use the option to book a time slot for the acute consultation through our Doctolib online appointment booking. Booking opens daily around 7 am for the current day. If booking is not possible, the acute infection consultation hours are canceled for the day, or all online slots are fully booked. Even without booking, you are welcome, as we have allocated additional time slots for this. Please note that in case of high patient volume, there may be longer waiting times, and in some cases, patients with severe medical conditions may need to be treated with priority.


Mo 10:00-13.00
Tu 11:30-13.00

Th 11:30-13.00
Fr 11:30-13.00

Patient acceptance until 1/2 hour before end

Please note: no acute infection consultation hours on Wednesdays